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    Public Records in China
    Public Records in China From Wikipedia
    State Archives Administration of China SAAC
    In China the Dang'an word means "record".
    The Dang'an is also a document used with political and administrative context. Meaning an archival system that records the "performance and attitudes" of citizens of mainland China.
    The Dang'an includes some personal similar information like a CV: physical characteristics, employment record, photograph, etc.

    The Dang'an also contains many additional documents considered private in some other cultures, like appraisals by supervisors and peers, academic reports from primary school to university, professional credentials, any criminal convictions or administrative penalties, employment records and political history (such as Youth League and CPC membership and assessments). club/society memberships, Some of the material is composed by the subject. Even the death certificate and eulogy may be placed in the file.

    Access to dang'an is strictly controlled. Citizens do not usually see their dang'an, although they may ask a Communist Party member to check it for them. Alterations may only be carried out by special cadres, and when combined with the custom of guanxi the result is that "Personal revenge, false entries and special favors are thus part of the game."
    There are two copies for adults: one held on behalf of their work unit by its supervisory organization, and the other at the local Public Security Bureau (PSB).
    A Montreal-based human rights group has claimed that the PSB in the process of computerizing the hundreds of millions of dang'an.
    The Hukou system, it has been an important part of the government's administration efforts to maintain social stability. Majority of the records are kept by the local archives bureaus, some by the State Archives Administration of China at the national level.
    Hukou is a household registration record that officially identifies a person as a resident of an area and includes identifying information such the name of the person, date of birth, the names of parents, and name of spouse, if married. The system back from ancient China , where household registration is required by law in People's Republic of China and Republic of China (Taiwan).
    A hukou can also refer to a family register in many contexts since the household registration record is issued per family, and usually includes the births, deaths, marriages, divorces, and moves, of all members in the family.
    Household registration with similar structures exists in Japan (koseki), Vietnam (Ho khau), and North Korea (Hoju). In South Korea the Hoju system was abolished in 2008.
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